Farmers’ Market back for 18th year

       The Westside Farmers Market will be back in Old Colorado City for its 18th year from 7 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday, June 11.
       About 25 vendors, mostly selling locally grown fruits and vegetables, will set up on South 24th Street between Pikes Peak Avenue and Colorado Avenue, according to Frank Schmidt, president of the non-profit Pikes Peak Farmers Market.
       Later this month the organization will also be starting markets Mondays and Thursdays at Memorial Park and Saturdays at Doherty High School, he said.
       Fresh food items that are in season are strawberries, peas, lettuce, bing cherries, and maybe green onions, Schmidt said.
       The Old Colorado City Farmers' Market will coincide this Saturday with the Garden Fair, a first-time event sponsored by the Old Colorado City Historical Society (OCCHS), in Bancroft Park.
       The Farmers' Markets are scheduled to continue in Old Colorado City every Saturday until October 23.

Westside Pioneer article