Rock Ledge opens June 4

       Featuring the annual sheep shearing, opening day for Rock Ledge Ranch is scheduled Saturday, June 4 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
       This is the 28th year for the city-owned 1880s-era working ranch, located in the Garden of the Gods off Gateway Road and 30th Street. The historic site will be open Wednesday to Sunday through Labor Day
       Admission prices are $5 for adults, $3 for ages 55 and over, $3 for ages 13-18, and $1 for ages 6 to 12.
       The ranch includes the 1775-1835 American Indian area, the 1860s-era Gallo-way homestead cabin, the 1880s Chambers farm and the 1907 Orchard House built by William Palmer.
       The sheep shearing, taking place in the ranch's big barn, commemorates the area's sheep industry, which in the 1880s was the largest in the state, according to the current Rock Ledge brochure. Traditional hand shears as well as modern equipment are used to “relieve the ranch's small herd of Merino sheep of their fleece,” the brochure adds.
       Also June 4, the Pikes Peak Weavers Guild will demonstrate weaving, carding, skirting, spinning, felting and wool dying.
       On all the days the ranch is open, volunteers from the Living History Association (LHA) dress in old-time clothing and act as guides for different activities and buildings.

Westside Pioneer article