Check out the Territory Days ‘cheat sheet’

       WHAT: 29th Annual Terr-itory Days.
       WHEN: May 28, 29 and 30.
       WHERE: Old Colorado City. West Colorado Avenue will be closed from 23rd Street to 27th Street.
       TIMES: 10 a.m. to about 7 p.m. each day.
       ACTIVITIES: Beer Garden in Colbrunn Court, Frozen Margarita Cantina in the clock tower parking lot (25th & Colorado).
       Kids rides in the parking lot in the 2600 block of Colorado Avenue; also in the 2300 block and on 24th Street.
       Mechanical Bull in Bancroft Park.
       Gold Panning on South 26th Street.
       Territorial Jail, 2300 block.
       SHOPPING: Other than food vendors, most of the 220 booths will be selling a range of crafted products. Most Old Colorado City shops will also be open.
       ENTERTAINMENT IN Ban-croft Park BAndSHELL:
       10 a.m., Order of the Arrow (Indian dancing).
       11:30 a.m., Diesel Fit (music).
       12:45 p.m., Tempered (music).
       2:30 p.m., Last Band on Earth (music).
       5 p.m., The Verdict (music).
       10 a.m., Gunfighters (reenactment performance)
       11:30 a.m., The Side Kickers “The Gold Rush Show” (dance).
       12:30 p.m., Jerry Brown & the CW Wranglers (music)
       2:30 p.m., The Side Kickers “Malt Shop Review” (dance).
       4 p.m., Tron (music).
       11 a.m., Nocturnal Tomatoes (music).
       2 p.m., Tiny Barge & the Big Chill (music).
       MUSIC ON THE STREET - varying times, all three days:
       Brule & Nicole (Native American music on piano and flute), 27th Street and Colorado.
       Ancient Winds (Equadorian music), north side of 2300 block.
       Darren Skanson (classical guitar), north side of 2500 block.
       Jamie Janover (dulcimer) south side of 2500 block.
       Eddie Three Eagles (flute, vocal), in Margarita Cantina.
       OTHER ENTERTAINMENT - varying times, all three days:
       Howell-Seven Falls Indian Dancers at 23rd and Colorado.
       Gold Canyon Gun Fighters and Gun Fighters of the Resurrection in Bancroft Park and at street intersections.
       Hawkquest (birds of prey), 2600 block.
       Face-painting and balloon-twisting, various locations.
       FOOD/DRINK: Wide varieties, from buffalo burgers to Greek salads, fresh tamales to shrimp on a stick. Various types of cold beverages, with alcohol sold and allowed only in the Beer Garden and Margarita Cantina. Old Colorado City restaurants will also be open for business.
       PARKING: Old Colorado City has fewer than 200 off-street parking spaces, and these won't last long. A hassle-free strategy is to park at Coronado High School, 1590 W. Fillmore St., and shuttle in. The service, offered every 15 minutes, will continue from 9:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. all three days of the festival. Round-trip cost is $1 a person.
       SOUVENIRS: Old Colorado City Associates (OCCA) booth at 25th Street and West Colorado Avenue will sell festival T- shirts, mugs and posters.
       HISTORY: Since 1976, the Old Colorado City Associates, a descendant of the El Paso Claim Club, has hosted a festival in commemoration of the first Territorial Capitol. The first Territory Days festival was during Colorado's centennial and America's bicentennial celebrations.

Westside Pioneer from press release