Red Rock volunteer trail work continues
Volunteer trail development is continuing at Red Rock Canyon Open Space, with several hundred feet of new trail being
constructed May 22 and another workday planned Saturday, June 4.
The upcoming project is being organized by the REI outdoor store company in Colorado Springs, with City Parks directing the location and providing technical assistance. For more information, call Bill Slaughter at REI at 260-4155. The May 22 workday was the second on the Contemplative Trail by volunteers with the Garden of the Goddesses Club. About 20 people participated, according to Kim King of City Parks. The trail, going through the Sand Canyon area of Red Rock, will be a hiker-only trail and is not yet open to the public. The next “Goddesses” workday will be July 10. Scheduled Saturday, June 11 will be the first workday on the bicycle area at Red Rock Canyon Open Space, organized by the Medicine Wheel bicycle group. A farther-off date is the formal dedication of Red Rock Canyon Open Space. Scheduled July 16, it is likely to include various prominent speakers, a band and possibly guided hikes and picnic. For trail-volunteer information, contact Kim King at Colorado Springs Parks at 385-5940. Westside Pioneer article |