Callers schedule next Pappy Shaw revival dance June 4

       The monthly Western dances in the tradition of Lloyd “Pappy” Shaw will continue Saturday, June 4, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. at the Carriage Stop, at 2700 Robinson St. in the Westside's Midland area. Dancers from beginners on up are welcome.
       Shaw, Cheyenne Mountain School District's superintendent for much of the first half of the 20th century, was a nationally known proponent of the original dance styles that were part of the West.
       These styles and steps are the foundation for modern square and round dancing, according to area callers Ron Counts and Merell Folsom, who have organized the Shaw revival.
       Admission fee is $4.
       For more information, call 630-2240.

Westside Pioneer article