Biz buzz:
New avenue eatery in 2500 block

       My Daughter's Deli and Espresso Bar opened this month at 2514 W. Colorado Ave. in Old Colorado City.
       The owners are Sharon Smith and Bob Bailey, who previously operated a restaurant on the east side of Colorado Springs.
       The Westside location has been the home of large restaurants in the past, in-cluding Bambino's and (most recently) the Latte Café.
       The business is open daily. The phone is 266-1333.
       Mountain Moppets, owned by Ginny Wesley, marked its 20th year in Old Colorado City in April. The business, which specializes in children's clothes, is at 2532 W. Colorado Ave.
       Celebrating a 10-year milestone is Adobe Walls Antique Mall and Trading Post, at 2808 W. Colorado Ave. Vendors rent space in the mall, with an emphasis on antiques.The owners are Colleen Gurley and Ron Smith.
       Recipes from two Westside bed-and-breakfast inns - the Holden House, 1102 W. Pikes Peak Ave., and Old Town GuestHouse, 115 S. 26th St. - are included in a newly released cookbook, “Rocky Mountain Morning Glory,” published by Savory House Press. The book is by Romaine Galey Hon, former food columnist for the Idaho Statesman.
       Among the book's 60 recipes from 50 B&Bs are the Holden House's Ruffled Crepes Isabel and Old Town GuestHouse's Christmas Cranberry Bread.
       Copies of the cookbook are available for purchase at the Holden House and online at
       Each person donating a pair of jeans at Goodwill stores, including the one at 2304 W. Colorado Ave., will receive a special “Join The Sisterhood” bracelet.
       The reference is to the movie, “The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants,” which opens June 1 and focuses on empowerment and self-sufficiency.
       The Farm & Art Market is back for a second season at two locations near the Westside:
       - Starting Saturday, June 4 near Confluence Park (just south of Colorado Ave. at Cimino Drive) from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., and continuing every Saturday through October.
       - Starting Wednesday, June 8 in Manitou Springs' Soda Springs Park from 4 to 7 p.m., and continuing every Wednesday through September.
       The market's vendors offer local and organic produce, art and prepared food.
       For more information, call 640-6154 or go to
       Two ballot questions passed in a recent vote by the membership of the Old Colorado City Associates (OCCA) merchants group. One requires that the quorum for future bylaw elections be raised from the current 10 percent to 25 percent.
       The other approves basically accepted rules of conduct and accounting practices - although proponents of the measure stipulated that they were not alleging anyone of misconduct or poor accounting work.

Do you have any news about your business? Call the Westside Pioneer at 471-6776.