Joos just does beat out Kimball for CHS valedictorian

       The close contest for valedictorian at Coronado High this year was a little like a diving or figure skating competition. Even if you do everything perfectly, if your degree of difficulty isn't quite high enough, you might not win.
       This was the case for Tiffanie Kimball. She is the class salutatorian, having earned straight A's in her four years at Coronado. The valedictorian is Paul Joos, who had one B amidst his sea of A's.
       But because Joos took more advanced placement classes - for which the maximum points are 5 instead of 4 - his grade-point average of 4.7 just did beat out Kimball's 4.64.
       Both have received major scholarships and will be starting college next year.
       Interestingly, both students, contacted separately, used a similar expression as part of a response to a question related to what it takes to be a successful student: “Show up.”
       The Westside Pioneer asked five questions of each of the two scholars:
       1) Name your high school activities and distinctions; 2) What are your post-high school plans? 3) Who do you credit for helping you attain your high level of achievement? 4) What was your most valuable high school experience? 5) What's the secret(s) for getting good grades?
       Activities/distinctions: National Honor Society, Knowledge Bowl, Matchwits. Received the Jessie Kaplan Mintz scholarship.
       Post high-school: University of Colorado at Boulder, majoring in aerospace engineering. No specific career goals at this time.
       Credit: “My parents, of course (Cindy and Bill Joos). Also, Mrs. (Patty) DesRochers, my AP English teacher; and Mr. (Bruce) Hall, my chemistry teacher. They motivate me to try my hardest and excel in all of my classes.”
       Valuable experience: “My most valuable high school experience is Knowledge Bowl. This year our team qualified for state competition and placed third in 5-A. Knowledge Bowl was a chance for me to test my knowledge against students at other schools around the state. It was also just a chance for my friends and me to have a fun time competing.”
       Good-grade secrets: “My secrets for getting good grades are to just show up, do the homework and consistently try my hardest.”
       Activities/distinctions: National Honor Society, Future Educators of America, school soccer team, Knowledge Bowl, Matchwits. National Merit Scholarship, Cougar of the Month, sportsmanship award (soccer).
       Post high-school: Brigham Young University at Provo, Utah, majoring in elementary education. “After that I plan to teach and hopefully fulfill my lifelong dream of writing and publishing a few books.”
       Credit: “I won't name names because I would probably leave someone out, but I owe much of my success to the friends and teachers that have made school feel worthwhile.”
       Valuable experience: Taking French. “My teacher and class have taught me so much about life and values - and French, too, of course…”
       Good-grade secrets: “Showing up and really paying attention, making connections, and following through seem to be the formula for academic success.”

Westside Pioneer article