EDITOR’S DESK: One size fits all?

       In city offices, there are documents that describe various rules and standards... like what should be allowed in parks, or how traffic should be handled on major streets.
       Unfortunately, these documents don't have special sections with unique applications just to the Westside. We might think in our hearts that they should have such sections. After all, isn't the Westside special? Aren't we the oldest area? Don't we have the highest percentage of cantankerous citizens and caring souls? Don't we appreciate nature and history just a bit more than those northers, southers and easters?
       So how is that I find myself, in a single news week, bumping up against two stories where all presumptions about Westsiders' significance in the city (let alone the world) are thrown for a proverbial loop. Horses in semi-primitive Promontory Point Park? Can't have 'em. People complained and oh yes, here's a regulation. Traditional easy access to businesses along South 21st Street? Sorry, Westside. Too much traffic coming your way. But you'll just love these medians that we've got for you. Or maybe you won't. It really doesn't matter. This document here that says when traffic counts reach a certain point...
       OK, true enough, not all standardization is bad. But I do think it inconsistent that while the state has been so earnest about collecting public input on Westside Highway 24 upgrades, the city hasn't bothered itself to schedule public meetings on matters as near and dear to Westsiders as where horses can go and the future of 21st Street.
       Maybe it's time to bring out that cantankerous side... in a uniquely caring Westside way, of course.

- K.J.