You say 'Red Rock' and people come. City Forester Jim McGannon made this comment May 7 as he looked out on a flat
mesa where more than 100 people were busy planting various types of indigenous vegetation.
The occasion was Arbor Day, and the plan was to plant 2,800 trees and shrubs on an acre or more of Red Rock Canyon Open
Space where the property's former owners used to go to for fill dirt.
I want to thank them for being here, McGannon said. It's an indication of how the community feels about this place.
The plantings, many of them seedlings, went in with polymer around the roots to retain moisture. Despite some likely losses to
drought or nibbling deer, he said, I hope to come back in 10 years and see 10 feet of growth on some of these.
Red Rock Canyon Open Space is a 788.1-acre property that was bought by the city in 2003 with $12.5 million from the Trails,
Open Space and Parks (TOPS) .01-cent sales tax. Volunteers have also worked with the city in developing the park's master
plan and in building trails.
Westside Pioneer article