Historical jackpot with first online credit card
For Dave Hughes, it was a big step forward to set up the Old Colorado City Historical Society (OCCHS) website recently so
people could pay online with credit cards.
Little did he know that the very first online customer would be Judy Garvin Yarbrough - the great-granddaughter of Dr. James Garvin, one of Colorado City's earliest residents. Having found the OCCHS website through the Internet, Yarbrough (of Huntsville, Ala.) used her credit card to take the society up on its offer to sell commemorative slices from old logs of the cabin that's in Bancroft Park. Her motivation was that Dr. Garvin practiced in the cabin, which was built in 1859, the first year of Old Colorado City's existence. Record of his use of the site dates back to 1862, when the cabin was at Colorado Avenue and 28th Street. Hughes, OCCHS' treasurer and one of the Westside's most prominent historians, plans to stay in touch with Yarbrough, because not much else is known about Garvin other than his being elected president of the El Paso County Claims Club of that era. Fortunately, the doctor's Alabama descendants have preserved a journal he kept, “so we're going to collect more information about one of our early pioneers,” Hughes said. He's also hopeful that the Internet will bring forward others from around the country with connections to early Colorado City pioneers. Westside Pioneer article |