West-dance Girl Scouts among ‘Gold’ winners
Two Coronado High 2004 graduates who created a one-week youth dance program at West Intergenerational Center last
summer are among recipients of Gold Awards from the local Girls Scouts Wagon Wheel Council.
Kiara Nath and Lauren Netherton, both of whom are now in college, set up the program in conjunction with E.D. Rucker, center director. The program, aimed at ages 8-11, was designed to reach children with limited exposure to the world of the arts. “It was well attended,” Rucker said. “They provided the young students with good information. The parents came by and enjoyed it, and everyone had a good time.” The area's Girl Scout Gold Awards will be presented in a ceremony June 6 and were honored this week by a Board of El Paso County Commissioners resolution. Westside Pioneer from a press release |