Westside history:
Some unknowns in early- 1900s photo

       No one knows anymore who shot the picture, what the occasion was or even exactly what year (1912 or 1913) it was. But the photo, only slightly weathered over the years, portrays the inside of a small Colorado City market and those who worked there with remarkable clarity. Even the labels on the bottles and cans are readable - including logos that remain unchanged to this day (including Sunmaid Raisins, Campbell's Soup and Heinz Ketuchp).
       The photo is from the family collection of Lesley and Doris Kincaid, who have owned their house in the 2500 block of Hagerman Street for 60 years.
       Among those in the photo are Mrs. Kincaid's father, D.D. "Doc" Roller; and mother, LaRue Roller; and business owner Fred (believed to be his first name) Borst. Accotding to the Kincaids, the market was located where Barracuda Bazaar is now at 2502 W. Colorado Ave.
       Both born in 1892, Mr. and Mrs. Roller were married in 1913. Mrs. Kincaid's brother was born in 1914, and she was their last child, born in 1921.

Westside Pioneer article