Westside schools: Ivywild rummage sale; honors for Coronado, West, Holmes students
The public is invited to shop at Ivywild School's rummage sale Saturday, April 30, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Donations are still being accepted. Asked what the school might accept, staffer Marilyn Eggleston replied, “Anything.” The school is at 1604 S. Cascade Ave. For more information, call 328-4300. Students from West and Holmes middle schools have been honored as 2005 Colorado Youth Citizenship Award (CYCA) winners. CYCA honors outstanding middle school youth in the belief that responsible citizenship should be recognized and encouraged early. • West: Jacob Kline, Emmalee Nelson Elissa Hokenstad, Kelsey Johannes, Amanda Nelson. • Holmes: Hannah Green, Marianne Johnson, Adam Kloos, Katie MacMillan, Sadie Rigdon. The CYCA banquet/awards ceremony will be held May 2 at Mitchell High School. The awards recipients will receive savings bonds, plaques and certificates. Several Westside students were among a group in District 11 that recently received scholarships and cash prizes from the Air Academy Federal Credit Union (AAFCU) to reward excellence in art. Leading the way was Trevor Ames (Coronado High, 11th grade), whose art was determined to be best of the high schools in the district. Other Westsiders honored in the competition were: Angelica Parker (Midland, kindergarten), Elijah Joseph ( Jackson, second grade), Calib Michaels, (Jackson, grade), Jacquie Walter (Jackson, fourth grade), Jenifer Filbert (Coronado, ninth grade), Tiaffany Pilgrim, (Coronado, 10th grade) and Alex Reich, ( Coronado, 11th grade). Cody Blessing, a standout player on Coronado High's back-to-back Colorado Springs Metro League champion basketball team, has signed a letter of intent to the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. Applications for the District 11 Summer Literacy Program are due by May 16. The program will be from May 31 to June 30. A form must be filled out. For more information, see the secretary at the nearest District 11 school. Sod was scheduled to be laid this week at West Middle School as part of the continuing “front yard” project to improve the appearance of the school along West Pikes Peak Avenue. Westside Pioneer article/press releases |