Meet a Westsider:
Liz Harrington

Profession/Occupation... Products representative for Kelly Muse’s State Farm office on West Colorado Avenue.

What I like most about the Westside is... the people who live here. There is a real sense of community and I love that.

If I could change anything about the Westside, it would be... to stop building and preserve the homes that have been here for over a century. They are what make this area so unique.

A good movie I’ve seen recently is... “Chocolat” – I don’t know why it took me so long to see that movie; but it’s great!

The worst advice I’ve ever gotten was... “Don’t get a dog – they are too much responsibility.” (Sorry, Mom!) I think dogs are great companions and wish more people would consider adopting animals from humane societies and rescue groups.

If I could meet someone famous, I’d like to meet... He’s no longer living, but Duke Ellington. His music, along with others from that era, really inspire me.

The next time I travel, I’m going to... Hawaii for the first time, with my husband, Matt. Some of our family is meeting us out there too, which will be great.

My favorite childhood memory is... family get-togethers. No matter where we were, we always had such a good time together!

My favorite spring pastime is... hiking with our four rescued Siberian Huskies and working at remodeling our Victorian bungalow.

Something good I’ve read is.. “Cry Tough,” by Irving Shulman.

My pet peeve is... people who aren’t tolerant of others.

If I won the lottery, I’d... pay off our house, help family and friends pay off debt, travel and then give the rest to charity!

Meet a Westsider” is a regular feature in the Westside Pioneer. If you would like to be a Meet-a-Westsider (or know someone who should be), please give us a call at 471-6776.