Westside schools: Arts festival at Howbert, donations sought for Whittier

       Howbert Elementary will hold a Spring Festival of the Arts Thursday, April 28, starting at 6 p.m. Students' art will be on display around the school.
       Activities will include hands-on art activities; performances by the Howbert choir, recorders, and string ensembles; interactive dance with Cheryl Beck from the Ormao Dance Company; and cariactures by Old Colorado City artist Bill Crowley.
       Another upcoming Howbert event will be “BUGZ,” a K-2 music program at Coronado High School Auditorium Tuesday, April 26 at 6:30 p.m.
       Whittier Elementary Principal Marlys Berg is requesting help from the community - volunteer time or financial or material donations - to help with the school's success.
       “Of the 147 students at Whittier, approximately 78 percent are economically disadvantaged and qualify for free and reduced lunch,” Berg states in a letter going out to the community. “At any given time, 20 children at Whittier are homeless, living in motels, campgrounds, with other families or in substandard living conditions… It is our philosophy to provide a nurturing and stable environment so that families want to continue their child's education here.”
       According to Berg, “All proceeds will go directly to the children at Whittier and each participating business will receive a certificate of appreciation that can be posted.”
       For more information, call the school at 328-4900.
       Representatives of the Mayor's 100 Teens and the Pikes Peak Youth Council are inviting Parents with students about to enter high school to attend a forum sponsored by the Mayor's 100 Teens and the Pikes Peak Youth Council Monday, April 25, at 6:30 p.m. at Holmes Middle School, 2455 Mesa Road.
       Titled “So This is High School,” the forum is intended to answer any questions parents may have about their children going to high school.
       Among the topics that may be discussed are study habits, time management, bullying and substance abuse.
       For more information, call 385-6954 or visit www.pikespeakyouthcouncil.com and click on “Events.”

Westside Pioneer article/press releases