Broadway Bluffs to benefit from National Rebuilding Day
The ninth annual National Rebuilding Day will be different in Colorado Springs Saturday, April 30. Traditionally, residential
homes have been selected for repairs in the volunteer citywide event, but this year the area affiliate of the national Rebuilding
Together organization will extend its services to non-profit facilities.
These include the Rocky Mountain Community Land Trust, which has led the development of Broadway Bluffs, a 4-acre affordable-housing subdivision at the far western end of Broadway Street in the Midland area. Work there will involve xeriscaping at a new house and installation of irrigation systems at three others, according to Donna Sawaya of Rebuilding Together. Another Westside location, an apartment house at 1030 W. Moreno St., has already received a dumpster enclosure - from a volunteer project April 16 - and will get further upgrades through a grant obtained by Greccio Housing, a Westside-based non- profit agency, Sawaya said. The reason non-profits are being included in this year's event is that “Funds are scarce for many non-profits and therefore general maintenance at their facility is neglected,” a Rebuilding Together press release states. Along with the above-named two Westside locations, eight non-profits around the city will be getting assistance at properties. These were chosen from 15 non-profits that applied for help for National Rebuilding Day. Volunteers who have already signed up for work at Broadway Bluffs are 25 from Booz Allen Hamilton (a government contracting company), 6 to 8 Air Force Academy cadets and 6 to 8 students from an area high school, Sawaya said. Rebuilding Together's mission is “keeping low-income and elderly residents in our community safe, warm, dry, and living independently,” the release states. Anyone who would like to volunteer can do so by calling 634-4115. Individuals with building skills are especially welcome. Westside Pioneer from a press release |