Westside schools: Coronado Basketball Camp for girl hoopsters April 29

       Girls in grades 1-8 are invited to the Coronado Basketball Camp Friday, April 29 in the main gym from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
       The cost is $30 per participant, each of whom will be given a Coronado Cougar basketball.
       Games, contests, drills, and small-group instruction will be provided by Coronado High coaches and players.
       Participants need to bring a sack lunch and water bottle.
       For more information, contact Ami Pod at 328-3689 or podczaa@d11.org.
       During Bristol Elementary's Bristol Bear News (BBN) broadcast March 18, an award was announced for a spring 2003 BBN video, titled “Penny Farthing.” Jon Karroll of Channel 13 presented a copy of the award to each of four Bristol alumni who helped make the video
       The award was from Idealist.org, in the student multimedia category. Bristol received a certificate and a $50 gift certificate to an art supply company.
       The four students are: Nathan Lucero, Cy Ormsby-Colonna, Rachael Ross and Noel Abeyta (all now at Holmes Middle School).
       The video was about the history of the Penny Farthing Bicycle and its use in Colorado Springs. Most of the video was shot at Monument Valley Park. According to Joan Grant, school librarian and BBN faculty leader, “We had three people who are Penny Farthing enthusiasts show us their bikes and how to ride them and then let the kids ride them.”
       Nine students from Holmes Middle School were winners in the El Paso Council PTA Reflections program, all advancing to the state level of competition. The students are Michael Claus, literature; Marianne Johnson, photography; Brittney Harvey, visual arts; Brittany Beard, visual arts; Mikaela DiGiulio, photography; Kaitlyn Neptune-Benton, literature; Nathanael Taylor, visual arts; Julie Luehring, choreography/ dance; and Colin Asay, visual arts. Johnson, Leuhring and Taylor won medals at state, with Johnson's winning photo advancing to the national level.
       Caleigh Hannah of Holmes Middle School was chosen to perform in the Pikes Peak Area Middle School Honor Band and Jazz Band Feb. 12 at Cheyenne Mountain High.
       Coronado High students Bryant Dickson and Nic Mahoy qualified for state competition at the recent Colorado Science Olympiad southern regional competition.

Westside Pioneer article/press releases