Silver Key Book Fair April 22-23 follows April 21 reception
A wine-and-cheese reception featuring three local authors will be Thursday, April 21, leading into Silver Key Senior Services'
annual Book Fair, a used-book sale, April 22-23.
Together, the events comprise “A Novel Event,” a fund raiser for the Westside-based Silver Key, a non-profit agency which provides a variety of services for more than 16,000 elderly people in the Pikes Peak region. Scheduled from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., the reception will be at Silver Key, 2250 Bott Avenue. The admission fee is $25. Featured will be the following local authors: Liz Duckworth (“Wildflower Living: Cultivating Inner Strength During Times of Storm or Drought”), Frank Waters Award-recipient Alexander Blackburn “Meeting the Professor: Growing Up in the William Blackburn Family,” and Kathy Brandt (“Swimming with the Dead” and “Dark Water Dive” - part of a mystery series). For shoppers who purchase a $5 ticket, the Book Fair Saturday, April 22 at Silver Key will start an hour early - at 8 a.m. The general public can shop without an entry fee starting at 9 a.m. A silent auction will also be held. The fair will go until 4 p.m. April 22 and from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. April 23. The books in the fair are donated to Silver Key throughout the year by individuals and businesses. Volunteers work with Silver Key staff to organize the books for the fair. For more information, call 632-1521, ext. 105. From a press release |