Bear Creek Garden plans annual opening April 23

       The annual opening of the Bear Creek Garden will be Saturday, April 23.
       New gardeners will meet with members of the Bear Creek Garden Association at 1 p.m. in the Creekside Room of the El Paso County Parks administration office southeast of 21st and Rio Grande streets in Bear Creek Park. Afterwards, they will be shown their plots in the 2½-acre organic garden, according to Char Nyman of the association.
       For those interested in working in the garden this summer, some plots are still available, Nyman said.
       Fees rent for $80 for a full plot (20 by 40 feet) and $45 for a half-plot.
       The non-profit Bear Creek Garden Association tends the garden in conjunction with the El Paso County Parks Department.
       For more information, call 473-5827.

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