CDOT mulling options for KFC street work
The Colorado Depart-ment of Transportation (CDOT) has not yet reached a decision on what street improvements should be
required in front of the proposed new Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC)/ A&W restaurant at 31st Street and Colorado Ave-nue.
There is “no agreement as of yet,” James Mayerl, lead Colorado Springs planner for the Westside, said this week. “CDOT wants to look at the situation and then decide.” A meeting between the applicant, Harman Manage-ment Corp. (owner of the KFC), CDOT and City Planning was held April 1. The city had originally wanted Harman to widen Colorado Avenue near the intersection by about 12 feet for a right-hand turn lane , but Harman representatives have complained that this would be too expensive a requirement. According to Mayerl, other options are being considered, including not moving the traffic poles - which Harman reps have said would be one of the priciest parts of a widening project. CDOT has final say because Colorado Avenue is a state highway (business route) in that location. Westside Pioneer article |