Westside schools: More honors for Coronado musicians
Musicians at Coronado High School continued their recent successes with victories at the Heritage Music Festival at
Fullerton College in southern California as well as the naming of four students to All-State Band.
Judged overall best in each of their categories in California were the wind ensemble, chamber orchestra and jazz band-1, according to band instructor Alan Combs. The four band All-State musicians are Colin Oldberg, trumpet; Anna Morris, bassoon; Danika Drotar, clarinet; and Leslie Allan, trumpet. Bristol Elementary held a Read Across America Day March 18. Participating in activities were John Carroll of KRDO Channel 13 (guest-anchoring on the school's Bristol Bear News (BBN) TV program), Harlan Else, superintendent of Cheyenne Mountain Schools (reading to students) and the Performing Art Youth Organization (a puppet show). The Student-Centered Academic Interdisciplinary Lab (SAIL) program at West Middle School, 1920 West Pikes Peak Avenue, is accepting applications for the 2005-06 school year through April 15, 2005. SAIL West has room for 50 sixth grade applicants and limited space for seventh and eighth grade students. SAIL is a program for children who have been determined to be gifted in one or more academic areas, as a result of testing. The instruction they receive in SAIL is intended to harness their potential. Applications are available on the D-11 Web site or in the District 11 Gifted/Talented Office at 1115 North El Paso St. Call 520-2464 for more information. The Pike, Washington and Howbert choirs will perform at the 11th annual District 11 Elementary Choir Festival at Wasson High April 2. A painting by Coronado High junior Audrese Prince won first place recently in an art contest through the Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep Society. Westside Pioneer article/press releases |