Westside Scottish dancers hope to add to their numbers

       A city election is coming up April 5, but Westsiders can “vote with their feet” any Wednesday night if they like Scottish country dancing.
       Anyone interested in learning/participating in this style of dancing is welcome to come to the West Intergenerational Center, 25 N. 20th St., Wednesdays through June from 7 to 9 p.m.
       The first night is free; after that, the cost is $5 per time to pay for the room rental.
       Recorded music is provided, and knowledgeable dancers provide instruction. No special clothing (such as kilts) is required, although soft shoes are recommended. Individuals do not need to bring partners.
       The activity is organized by the Pikes Peak Scottish Country Dancers, which formed in 1983. According to a press release from the group, “Scottish country dancing is the traditional social dance of Scotland. Its origins date back to the early 1700s, but it is still very much in evidence throughout Scotland and indeed throughout the world today.”
       The Wednesday-night sessions focus on dances dating from the 18th century, as well as more modern dances using traditional steps and figures.
       For more information, call George LeClercq at 473-0714, or e-mail georgejeanne1201@att.net

Westside Pioneer article