EDITOR’S DESK: Good news is the best news

       We go against the grain at this newspaper. We like good news. This week there were a few things happening on the Westside that would have merited Good News Awards, if such awards actually existed.
       Let's start with the willingness of the Harman Management Corp. to compromise on signage and appearance at its proposed KFC/A&W at Colorado Avenue and 31st Street. One of the Harman representatives at the March 30 neighborhood meeting frankly admitted he would have to argue with A&W for the muted colors he thinks would provide greater neighborhood compatibility. So this was a pleasant outcome, especially from an entity that some people might automatically deride for the double-whammy of being both corporate and fast-food.
       Another good-news citation goes to the volunteer-run Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo Foundation, as it moves swiftly forward on the pledge it gave to upgrade Penrose - oops, it's now the Norris-Penrose Events Center - upon buying the money-losing facility from the county for $10 in January. If that center starts becoming a regional or national event hotspot, all businesses on the Westside stand to benefit.
       Finally, something needs to be said about what a classy race it's been between Scott Hente and Al Brody for City Council District 1. Both have run squeaky-clean campaigns; they never even belittled each other in off-the-record comments. Now, may the best man win.

- K.J.