Meet a Westsider:
Bob Kliewer

Profession/Occupation... retired U.S. postal worker.

What I like most about the Westside is... being able to walk to the post office, library, Farm Crest Milk Store, band concerts in Bancroft Park, parades, West Mid-dle School concerts, big trees, and old houses.

If I could change anything about the Westside, it would be... just trying to keep our Westside area as it is now. It is going to be hard to do. Keeping the traffice down.

A good movie I’ve seen recently is... “The Pacifier,” a good family movie.

The worst advice I’ve ever gotten was... retire, just think of all the extra time you will have.

If I could meet someone famous, I’d like to meet... I would have liked to meet John Wayne, Roy Rogers and some of the old movie stars.

The next time I travel, I’m going to... visit all of the Civil War Battlefields. I like to see historic buildings, etc.

My favorite childhood memory is... the day I broke the window out of my mother’s house in the morning, and after she had it fixed I broke it again in the afternoon. I was pole vaulting (both times) and the pole fell backwards into the window.

My favorite winter pastime is... skiing and watching the snow come down. I like the fall and spring.

Something good I’ve read is.. I am a big fan of our Westside library. I check out four books about every two weeks, mostly Western novels.

My pet peeve is... people who own property on the Westside but live elsewhere and want to build more houses than are allowed on the lot.

If I won the lottery, I’d... having a lot of money has never crossed my mind, so I don’t have any ideas.

Meet a Westsider” is a regular feature in the Westside Pioneer. If you would like to be a Meet-a-Westsider (or know someone who should be), please give us a call at 471-6776.