Westside schools: West students communicate with space station

       Students in Ranganath Weiner's STS-West space and technology class at West Middle School recently exchanged digital greetings with astronauts on the International Space Station.
       The invitation opportunity was provided by NASA officials in conjunction with West's EarthKAM activity, in which students can use a digital camera aboard the station to take earth-observation images.
       Students at Pike Elementary recently raised $1,130 in their annual Jump Rope for Heart event. Proceeds go to the American Heart Association, which helps heart attack and stroke victims in the community.
       Coronado High physics and engineering students placed second in the state bridge-building competition Feb. 26 in Lakewood. Teacher sponsors were Bruce McLean and Doug Hugill.
       GED preparation classes are offered at West Intergenerational Center on Mondays (March 14, 21 and 28) this month. The center is on the west side of West Middle School, with a separate entrance at 25 N. 20th St. For more information, call the center at 385-7920.

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