Lesson from 33rd Street vandalism
We had a spate of broken car windows (including mine) in the area of North 33rd Street Saturday night. March 5, and a car stolen on our block last week. The police officer who responded said she cruised the neighborhood and found three people who left their cars running, unlocked, with personal items on the seat. She said it's a major problem in our area; do we really want to be crime targets? She took the keys from the cars and went to the houses and talked to the people about it. Police have begun to fine people for leaving their cars running and unlocked, and some insurance companies have stopped paying car theft claims in these cases. This expensive vandalism is generally the work of teenagers. Spring break is in the offing. This is a good time to remind our neighbors to be proactive for their own safety. Lock cars, and call the police if you see unusual activity in your neighborhood. Our Neighborhood Watch group got the word out immediately about the broken windows and stolen car. There is a real feeling of safety when neighbors are watching each other's backs, and great neighborhoods are what the Westside is all about. Linda Muth |