Old Town streetlights to be in this month

       Depending on weather, the streetlight project in Old Colorado City is slated for completion by the end of March.
       Rachel Beck of Colorado Springs Utilities said crews have installed the new poles on the north side of Colorado Avenue and are getting going on the south side.
       In all, 41 new, historic-style light standards are being installed - 7 of them new and 34 of them replacing the hooded units that had lit the avenue between 24th and 27th streets for about 50 years.
       For awhile, at least, locals may find that the south side of the street is brighter than the north. That's because of a supplier glitch: When work started in January, Utilities found it had been provided with 100-watt ballasts and bulbs, rather than the 150-watt intensity that that had been Utilities' intent in its agreement with the Old Colorado City Security & Mainten-ance District. Rather than wait for the bulbs to arrive, Utilities continued with installation, temporarily putting in the dimmer bulbs on the north side, Beck said.
       But the right ballasts/bulbs have been delivered now. These are going in with the poles on the south side, she said. When that work is done, crews will return to the north side and change out those ballasts and bulbs, she explained.
       The cost of the new streetlights is about $127,000; of this, the district is paying $97,000 and Utilities $30,000. The district money comes from property taxes paid by the owners of the buildings. The district is located along Colorado Avenue between 24th and 27th streets.

Westside Pioneer article