Meet a Westsider:
Deke Collins

Profession/Occupation... Dad/husband and electrical contractor.

What I like most about the Westside is... the people are nice, and I like the old buildings.

If I could change anything about the Westside, it would be... I would have built Highway 24 on the Old Stage Road and Gold Camp Road and left Ute Pass open to only buckboard and foot traffic.

A good movie I’ve seen recently is... “Hotel Ruwanda.” It shows how bad it can get when people judge others.

The worst advice I’ve ever gotten was... that I could be a ranch hand on the plains of Colorado. You have to be incredibly tough and resourceful to do that.

If I could meet someone famous, I’d like to meet... Leonard Vahsholtz (my apologies to John Hazelhurst). I love it when he smashes his trophies to protest the ill treatment of local Pikes Peak Hill Climbers. (He drives good, too!)

The next time I travel, I’m going to... Mexico!! Sun - driving - diving - sand - guacomole - margaritas - Jill - Isaac - beachchairs - Palm trees ... (Need I go on?)

My favorite childhood memory is... when my dad would just be... a dad. He didn’t have to be the biggest or the baddest dad – just a dad.

My favorite winter pastime is... saccording to my wife, it’s drinking beer. I say it’s doing indoor projects and getting to use all my outdoor gear.

Something good I’ve read is.. “Even Cowgirls Get the Blues,” by Tom Robbins. It’s just a good book that reminds me of us.

My pet peeve is... inconsiderate drivers who use the passing lane to drive, don’t use the turn signals, double park, are slow-to-go or don’t know how to merge.

If I won the lottery, I’d... I think the lottery should give out lots of little prizes and then we could all do sane things with the winnings.

Meet a Westsider” is a regular feature in the Westside Pioneer. If you would like to be a Meet-a-Westsider (or know someone who should be), please give us a call at 471-6776.