KFC signs would be taller than most in that area
Based on plans submitted to the city, one of the proposed 40-foot-tall KFC/A&W freestanding signs would be near the rear of
the property at 31st Street and Colorado Avenue, for visibility to Highway 24. The other would be near the building on
Colorado Avenue, for visibility from drivers on city streets, according to Steve Brown of Near Design & Planning, which works
for the KFC owners, the Harman Management Corp.
Attached to the top of a metal pole, each sign would be 150 square feet in size, two-sided, and display KFC and A&W logos. The requested height and size of these signs is the maximum allowable in that zone (C-5), according to Sharon Robinson, who reviews sign applications for the Regional Building Depart-ment. The only other 40-foot-tall sign along that part of Colorado Avenue is the one at Longs Drug Store. Others in the area, such as at Wendy's, McDonald's and Blockbuster, are about 30 feet tall, according to measurements Robinson made this week. As a size comparison, the McDonald's sign is 93 square feet, she said. KFC has two current freestanding signs - one about 10 feet high near Fountain Creek and another nearly 30 feet high next to the store. The store can also have signs on each wall, based on city regulations allowing 1 ˝ square feet of signage for each linear foot of the wall. Roof signage would be applied to whichever wall the sign faces towards, Robinson said. Brown said the wall signage is still being designed. In early February, in keeping with policy, the city sent out postcards to properties near the KFC, letting them know about the proposal. Included in that card was information that KFC wanted a non-use variance for the signs. However, according to Robinson, if KFC replats (combining three lots it owns there into one, as proposed), it will not need a variance. “Their total acreage will be 1.35 acres,” she states in a written comment to City Planning. “In that case, under the sign ordinance, they are entitled to two freestanding signs of 150 square feet each with an overall height of 40 feet.” Westside Pioneer article |