What do you do?
Kathy Ebbs

Where do you work and what is your title?
       I work at the Westside Laundry & Dry Cleaning, and I am the owner.
What do you do there and/or what are you responsible for?
       I do a little bit of everything. I take care of the drop-off laundry, I also pick-up and deliver for commercial as well as residential customers, and I do all the managing of the business.
How long have you been doing this kind of work (total)? How long on the Westside?
        Since August of 2003 and all of it on this side of town.
What do you like best about it (other than quitting time)?
       I like the people. I’m a people person so I enjoy talking with them and helping them, especially the elderly. I also donate time and resources (laundry and drying) to the Westside Cares organization (a non-profit group.)
If you could change one thing (other than pay), what would it be?
       Overall, it’s a great place. We like being open 24 hours for the convenience of our customers. But the vandalism that occurs sometimes is very discouraging.
What part of your work did your training/education never prepare you for?
       I have a B.S. in education in home economics that prepared me for the fabrics part (laundering, dry cleaning.) But when we the machinery breaks down, although we try to fix it ourselves, sometimes we have to call for help.
What makes working on the Westside special?
       The people... most are not in a hurry and they are willing to take my advice when it comes to laundry. It’s just an enjoyable place to be.

“What do you do?” is a regular feature in the Westside Pioneer. If you know someone who has an interesting job on the Westside (but doesn’t live here), he/she might be a candidate for this column! If you know someone who might qualify, give us a call at 471-6776.