Camp Creek concrete contractor commences
Work started this week to shore up sections of the Camp Creek ditch along 31st Street.
The firm of P.F. McCarthy was the low bidder on the $89,000 project, which will include replacing concrete side panels and bottoms north and south of Fontanero Street, plus repairing the footing for the bridge at Water Street, according to Leonard Miller, inspection supervisor for City Engineering. Depending on weather, the project will take about four weeks, a worker at the site said. This is the second year of repairs on the concrete-lined ditch. Last summer, a city contractor excavated debris, patched some side panels, repaired culvert undercutting and fixed or replaced several drainage-flow structures. The ditch's side panels date back to around 1960, when Camp Creek was straightened out by the developer of the Pleasant Valley subdivision, city records indicate. The bottoms were added roughly 10 years later. The creek/ditch carries drainage from the Garden of the Gods south to Fountain Creek. Westside Pioneer article |