Westside schools: Instrumentalists honored; inauguration attended

       McKay Harline and Veselka Kuzma, both members of the Coronado High Orchestra, have been selected to the 2005 National Honor Orchestra in Reno, Nev. Colin Oldberg made lead trumpet for the second year in a row in All-State Jazz Band. Students accepted for the All-State Choir are Lydia Demi-Smith, Rex Bennett, Elisabeth Clark, Curtis Fleecs, Eric Francese, Austin Grantz, Jessica Francom, McKay Harline, Abigail Klein, Kristine Schwenk, Justin Sheppard and Aubrey Yeh.
       The Holmes Middle Eighth Grade Jazz Band was selected the top band out of 40 schools competing at the High Plains Jazz Festival Dec. 3. The 20-member group is led by band instructor Ken Shane.
       Coronado High senior Alex White and Holmes Middle eighth-grader Alexis Rodarmel attended the inauguration of President George Bush while participating in the Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference Jan. 16-21 in Washington, D.C. The Westside students joined several hundred of their peers from around the country in the conference, which included an examination of the inauguration's historical significance and interaction with news and policy makers.
       Another Holmes eighth-grader attending the inauguration was Michael Harris, who had been selected to participate in the People to People Presidential Inauguration activity. This also included leadership activities and a presentation by Mary Eisenhower.

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