Biz buzz:
Laser welder; hynosis workshop
A new laser welder - allowing improved repairing and manufacturing of fine jewelry - has recently been installed at All that
Glitters, 2518 W. Colorado Ave.
“With this laser, there is no metal discoloration and the seams are invisible,” said owner Cretee Nemmer. She described the process as “faster, cleaner and more cost-effective.” The business' offerings include the creation of modern jewelry and the restoration/repair of vintage jewelry. A free workshop on hypnosis will be presented by certified clinical hypnotherapist Joanna DesRochers at Desert Sage Natural Foods, 2631 W. Colorado Ave., Feb. 9 at 6 p.m. “Come and find out what hypnosis is all about, in a relaxing, friendly environment,” reads a Desert Sage flyer for the event. The phone is 632-2516. Do you have any news about your business? Call the Westside Pioneer at 471-6776. |