Money freed up to reopen restrooms in 3 Westside parks

       The “closed” signs will be coming off city park restrooms this spring, thanks to a City Council budget decision for 2005.
       The action will mean the reopening of restrooms at three Westside parks - Thorndale, Westmoor and Vermijo - along with 16 others citywide, according to City Parks Maintenance Manager Kurt Schroeder.
       Although there is no exact date, he said his crews typically start opening seasonal restrooms in parks in mid-April.
       Restrooms in those parks were locked up in 2004 because of council's budget cutbacks. A total of 50 parks citywide have public restrooms.
       During the year, “Council got feedback from the public that folks were not happy these restrooms were closed,” Schroeder said. “So I gave them (council) a cost estimate for keeping them open ($94,512), and they agreed to it.”

Westside Pioneer article