Will it be cosmic if I-25’s COSMIX gets done on time?
The I-25 widening project has a name.
Henceforth, the $150 million project through central Colorado Springs will be known as COSMIX, according to the public relations arm of the Colorado Department of Trans-portation (CDOT). The name, which proved the most popular of 100-some names proposed to focus groups, reflects the unique Colorado Springs Municipal Airport “COS” name for the city, while MIX is an acronym for “metro interstate expansion,” according to Bob Wilson of CDOT. “The name differentiates this project from other projects,” added George Hayward of PRACO, which assists with public relations and advertising for the I-25 effort. “When we tell people what's going on with the project, there will be no question which one we're talking about.” The name is part of a trademarked logo that also includes a circle with what appears to be a road heading toward the vanishing point. Even the color of the logo was chosen carefully - a purple to reflect the “purple mountains' majesty” of the area, Hayward said. The symbol will be used during the project on road signs, in traffic reports, project brochures, maps and other communications, according to Wilson. In a separate matter, he said that a contractor for the work will be announced before the end of this month. The work, is expected to start this summer and continue through 2008, including a new Bijou interchange. An additional $350 million of work, including new I-25 interchanges at Cimarron Street and Fillmore Street, has been scoped but not yet funded. Westside Pioneer from a press release |