Westside schools: Coronado collecting donations for tsunami orphans
In response to the deadly Indonesian tsunami, the Coronado High School Student Council has started “Beanies for
Babies,” in which the public is asked to bring in stuffed animals or make other donations for the children who have been
orphaned by the disaster. For more information, call Coronado at 328-3699 or 328-3600.
A reception for Jackson Elementary's art show at Penrose Public Library, 20 N. Cascade Ave., is scheduled from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 13. Containing more than 70 pieces of art by Jackson students, the exhibit will hang in the library's children's section through the month. Henry (Duke) Boswell, a former veteran who gave Whittier Elementary a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol, will be honored Friday, Jan. 14 at the school. The brief ceremony will be at 10:30 a.m. Boswell, a former Whittier teacher, talked to the students about Veterans Day and provided a flag that had flown over the U.S. Capitol on June 6, 1994 - exactly 50 years after D-Day. Students at Holmes Middle School used a “penny war” to raise $3,753.50 for Care and Share and families in need this fall. As a competition between grade-level cores, students brought in pennies, silver coins and dollar bills. Pennies donated to their team registered as positive points while their total was reduced when anything other than pennies was added to each team's money jar. A check for $1,876.75 was presented to Care and Share. The rest of the money was used to buy Thanksgiving baskets containing gift certificates and turkeys for needy families in the Holmes community. A SAIL informational meeting for fifth-grade gifted students and their parents is scheduled Jan. 27, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. at West Middle School. For more information, call 520-2464. Eighth-graders and their parents will have an opportunity to learn about the programs offered at Coronado High at the school's Eighth Grade Orientation Evening Thursday, Jan. 13 at 6:30 p.m. Department chairs will be on hand to answer questions. Several Bristol Elementary students, led by school librarian Joan E. Grant, participated in feeding bighorn sheep Jan. 10 in the reclamation habitat above the Garden of the Gods that was formerly a gravel mining area. The feeding is part of an effort by the Division of Wildlife to get a count of the sheep and to give them food containing medicine for ringworm, Grant said. Her film of the event will be used as part of a documentary for the school's local-history mural, as well as for an upcoming broadcast of the Bristol Bears Network (BBN), she added. The BBN is a weekly school-created television show that airs on Channel 16. Times of the show are 10 a.m. Thursdays and 6 p.m. Tuesdays. Westside Pioneer from press releases |