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City: Plumbers yes, crafters no; Affordable's appeal wins in Midland area
City: Plumbers yes, crafters no; Council makes no changes in policy for
Bancroft Park
8 ways to 'make a difference' on Westside
'Masquerade' fund-raiser for OCC Library Oct. 29
Holland Park noise-wall panels being installed
West Center offers kids' hip-hop class; dance group possibility seen
EDITOR'S DESK: Midland stands in its own line
Meet a Westsider: Peggy Harrell
COBWEB CORNERS: General Grant pays a call
Letters: 4 cents worth from a Westside native from Judy Freeman
A John Henry for a fan
History Center open to field trips
Tempered OK from County Parks Board on new JA plan for land swap
Merrifield to lead walk for school board slate, Refs C&D
Westside Schools: 'Change' drive culminates Oct. 14 at Howbert
19th-Uintah Shamrock station gets facelift
Scarecrow Days wrap-up: 'Taste' proceeds go to OCC Library, History Center
'Soft' opening this week at new Ace Hardware on Centennial Boulevard
CDBG phase of Vermijo project underway
Boy Scout Council buys Bally's
First Nations Day scheduled Oct. 15 at Rock Ledge Ranch
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