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August 4th, 2005                  Your weekly news source for the Colorado Springs Westside -- Online Edition                   Volume 2, Number 30

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No man's land? Avenue segment east of Manitou finally getting spotlight

Bancroft gathering's popularity grows; Extra food runs needed as more than 300 flock to annual 'block-nic'

Volunteers needed for Intemann-Red Rock link project Aug. 14

‘Chinook’ blows in a winner for girl, 14, in filly-naming contest

EDITOR'S DESK: Life in No Man's Land

Meet a Westsider: Marge Knorr

COBWEB CORNERS: Imagine how it was...

'Goddesses' trail completed; Hiker-only path goes through sandstone formations at Red Rock Canyon

Letters: from Rose Kliewer

Biz Buzz: New building for In Motion at West Wind Center

Cabin-design contest part of OCCHS' effort to build youths' interest in history

Calamity Jane portrayal planned at library Aug. 13

9 'high-priority' Westside school crosswalks among 440 citywide

CHS soph ascends in astronaut program

Westside's hogback history is as old as the rocks

Head Start to offer class at its Westside headquarters

JA proposal to be discussed Aug. 9

March '06 opening seen now for new substation

Pappy Shaw dance program Aug. 6 at Carriage Stop

Chipseal work slated for Fontmore and Mesa roads

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