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March 3, 2005                      Your weekly news source for the Colorado Springs Westside -- Online Edition                      Volume 2, Number 8

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KFC/A&W plan spurs neighborhood questions

Fort Carson veteran is St. Pat's grand marshal

'Summer Celebration' offers events, seeks Garden of Gods help

EDITOR'S DESK: KFC: A need for balance

Meet a Westsider: Deke Collins

COBWEB CORNERS: The coming of Alexander Industries

Hente, Brody express different views on how well the city is doing

Westside politickin': Brody plans parade appearance

Letters: Here’s to Pioneer’s next 99 years from Julianne Rist

Westside politickin': Hente, Brody campaigns gearing up

KFC signs would be taller than most in that area

Checking out the sale

OWN to scale back town meetings; group sends letter to Guardian Angels

Blewitt to speak at Mesa Springs Association meeting'

'Celebration' events to start with symposiums

McFarland evokes train memories for History Center crowd

Stratton enactor to give show at History Center March 11

More Westside crackseal work slated

Dolls through the years

Old Town streetlights to be in this month

Only 1 Westside intersection makes top 50 in PD's most-dangerous list

Westside schools: 7 Coronado instrumentalists play in All-State Orchestra

Biz Buzz: New shop in Old Town specializes in African goods

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