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January 27, 2005                   Your weekly news source for the Colorado Springs Westside -- Online Edition                   Volume 2, Number 3

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'Front yard' project beginning at West

Why the lights are low in Old Town

'Pappy' Shaw dance revival at Carriage Stop

Changes on the way at Waycott

New trails, bigger lot, 2nd trailhead seen for Red Rock Canyon in '05

EDITOR'S DESK: Can you do the 'Varsouvianna'?

What do you do? .... Jennifer Warren

COBWEB CORNERS: School lunches over the years

Letters: from Ken and Emily Kress

Shaw recalled as 'bigger than life'

Crackseal work on Colorado Ave. to start Jan. 31

Mesa Springs Association mulls sites for sidewalks

Lofts could mark start of new style for Old Town

Good teaching... and it's certified

Gold Hill Mesa grading start seen now as no sooner than mid-February

Biz Buzz: Art show, blues jams scheduled

Westside Schools: 'Apple' support sought at BV

Close to 100 at OCC History Center hear Ellis relate Gold Camp Road story

City to take Gold Camp comments

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