What do you do?
Frank Schmidt

Where do you work and what is your title?
       I am president of the Pikes Peak Farmers Market, Inc. I also own Schmidt Apiaries.
What do you do there and/or what are you responsible for?
       The Pikes Peak Farmers Market operates the Old Colorado City Farmers Market at 24th Street and West Colorado Ave nue each year from early June to October. My work includes reviewing applications from vendors, selecting who participates, assigning spaces and deciding the sizes of the spaces. I also am responsible for getting permits from the city, furnishing insurance and doing traffic control
How long have you been doing this kind of work (total)? How long on the Westside?
       I've been a honey vendor at the Old Colorado City market from the start, about 27 years. Betty Mull started the Farmers Market. I’ve been president since 1998.
What do you like best about it (other than quitting time)?
       The many people who tell my family and me how much they like and appreciate the effort it takes to put on a good farmers market. (My family helps me with the market and the honey.)
If you could change one thing (other than pay), what would it be?
       I would like to have more space for the market so we could have more high-quality vendors.
What part of your work did your training/education never prepare you for?
       The years of being a vendor at the market covered most of the training I needed to be president. But sometimes dealing with farmers can get a little touchy, and sometimes we get surprises from the city, but I don’t want to bash them too much.
What makes working on the Westside special?
       The people on the Westside have supported our market for many years and made it special.

“What do you do?” is a regular feature in the Westside Pioneer. If you know someone who has an interesting job on the Westside (but doesn’t live here), he/she might be a candidate for this column! If you know someone who might qualify, give us a call at 471-6776.