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West Elementary Assistant Principal Chris Lehman calls out the numbers in a game of bingo for books at ABCD Night Feb. 7
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ABCD Night spells extra activities for West Elementary

       Despite frigid weather and snow days on the two days beforehand, West Elementary's annual ABCD Night earned $800 for the school Feb. 7.
       Teacher Angel Chavez, the event's lead organizer, said the money will go to the school's Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO), with the intent this year of using it to pay for special events bringing outside entities to the school. Examples are representatives from the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, Irish dance and Colorado Springs Utilities. In the past, ABCD earnings have been earmarked mainly for field trips, but the thinking is that this year's plan will be “more educational,” Chavez said.

Students run around in the West gym while families and individuals look at silent-auction items and get ready for bingo.
Westside Pioneer photo
ABCD stands for auction, bingo, chili and dessert, which sums up the evening. About 20 pots of chili were brought in, mostly by teachers, Chavez said. She thanked all the contributors for their “great support.”
       Earnings resulted mainly from the roughly 100 attendees paying 50 cents each for chili, beverages and dessert in the cafeteria, then silent-bidding in the gym on several dozen items that had been donated (many by local businesses).
       The bingo was free, with books going to the winners. Also on hand were numerous teachers and West Principal Judy Hawkins, West Elementary Assistant Principal Chris Lehman and West Middle School Assistant Principal Karen Newton.

Westside Pioneer article
(Posted 2/13/14)

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