
NOTE: In addition to our news website, the Westside Pioneer prints a bimonthly newspaper in January, March, May, July, September and November. Print advertising rates are different from the online rates shown below. For information, call 471-6776 or e-mail Therese at

Online ad rates:

   All ads except Business Directory and Classifieds....
       o  Color.
       o "Package" discounts for ads that run both online AND in our print editions.
       o  If an ad runs 13 weeks or more...
          -  Rates drop.
          -  A free listing is provided on the Business Directory page.

   All ads except Classifieds....
       o  A link to your website.

BANNER ADS: Various sizes are available. Possible locations are Home Page, Community, Westside Happening, Projects, Schools, Outdoors, Business, Land and Politics pages. Potential discounts and features are shown under GENERAL INFORMATION at top.

    Sample ad sizes and costs...
       o  Right side:
          -  340 pixels by 219 pixels, Color - $26 a week.
          -  340 pixels by 327 pixels, Color - $35 a week.
          -  340 pixels by 653 pixels, Color - $63 a week.
          -  340 pixels by 1308 pixels, Color - $119 a week.

       o  Left side:
          -  170 pixels x 300 pixels, Color - $20 a week.
          -  170 pixels x 500 pixels, Color - $34 a week.

GOT A CARD PAGE: $14 a week for larger-than-full-size business card. Potential discounts and features under GENERAL INFORMATION at top.

RESTAURANTS PAGE: $19 a week. Potential discounts and features under GENERAL INFORMATION at top.

BUSINESS DIRECTORY PAGE: $5 a week. Address, phone number and website link.

CLASSIFIED ADS PAGE: For regular (unformatted) ads of 30 words or less, the first insertion is $4.50; each week thereafter is $3.50. Each additional word is 15 cents. Double these costs for specialized ads (for real estate agents or anyone who wants unique type formatting). Box ad option includes color; cost is $10-20 a week, depending on size.

Have a camera-ready ad? Need a quote? Just give us a call at 719-471-6776 or e-mail Therese at

All stories, photos, and content Copyright © 2004-2019 Westside Pioneer except where noted. All rights reserved.
No stories/photos to be reprinted without permission.